Do we think the time of influencers has passsed?
The time of the influencer hasn’t passed but it has certainly changed. The emphasis on the big brand ambassadors and influencers with millions of followers has decreased, and the nano-influencer has taken over.
Why? The simple answer is consumers are smarter and much more in tune with that is happening in the advertising landscape. It’s also worth noting that when it comes to online influencers, we’re usually referring to a younger demograhpic who are often more tuned in.
Consumers want more authenticity
The reality now is that consumers are looking for more authentic engagement, and the traditional ‘celebrity ambassador’ is less likely to offer that. Nano-influencers have therefore really come into their own in recent years and are essentially more engaged with their audience.
A smaller following means it’s easier to establish a meaninful connection. For example, nano-influencers are more likely than the ‘celebrity amabassador’ to reply to comments and direct messages. They also tend to have a better understanding of their followers and their niche – and fans trust them more than those bigger names.
A collective of partners with smaller (but still valuable) reach can have more impact than the celebrity ambassador, and can cost less – which is why a lot of businesses are shifting to this type of influencer in their digital campaigns.
But, one creative format won’t work across platforms
TikTok has been the number one downloaded app for 3 years running since 2021 and the user-generated content on offer makes it an ideal spot for nano-influencers. Over the past year, it has overtaken Facebook with the wolrd of influencers (not Instgram just yet). Whilst these smaller influencers have lower average number of views, they also tend to have the highest engagement rate.
What do we think?
Nano-influencers are undoubtedly thriving on TikTok, it’s important to consider the same approach won’t work across channels. TikTok requires user-generated, user-first content whereas we see more high production content across Instagram and YouTube.
Maria Yiangou
Digital Director, All Response Media
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