The new National Cyber Strategy is a plan to ensure that the UK remains confident, capable and resilient in this fast-moving digital world, says
In the past year alone, 1,400 UK businesses were able to combine £8.9b through the accumulation and security of data. With such growth, however, also comes an element of uncertainty. The new strategy aims to increase cyber security for a nation adapting to a developing online world.
What is the five-part plan?
To implement this development in cyber security, the government has proposed a five-part plan:
Pillar 1: The development of the UK’s cyber ecosystem
This will be conducted by investing in the development of individuals and their knowledge of cyber security. A strong partnership will be established between the government, education systems, and the industry to ensure this comes to fruition.
Pillar 2: The protection of the UK’s digital environment
With a recent rise in cyber attacks, the government propose more focus on cyber risk. This could help businesses to enjoy economic freedom and to utilise technology without fear of interference. Similarly, the scheme aims to improve the confidence and knowledge of UK citizens to ensure their data is protected online.
Pillar 3: The enhancement of technology and cyber power
The government aims to build industrial capability and develop frameworks to secure future technologies. By enhancing the technology used in the UK, improvements will be made to the scope and productivity of cyber security.
Pillar 4: The addition of leadership and influence in the UK
A bigger sense of structure and direction will be created by adding figures into cyber security leadership roles. The expertise provided by individuals in this role will improve order when working with industry partners and government officials.
Pillar 5: The detection, disruption, and deterrence of our adversaries to enhance UK security
The growth of the internet has allowed some groups to negatively utilise the web. Adding a sense of security and accountability for these individuals will improve the overall safety of the UK cyberspace.
How could the strategy impact agencies and individuals?
As a data-led agency, the implementation of the cyber security strategy could undoubtedly be viewed as beneficial. Improving the infrastructure of online security and an expansion in technology will generally boost confidence when utilising and protecting data. Additionally, the plan could mean more education around the data risks, potentially further expanding data usage on online platforms.