Launching on TV in December 2014, 23andMe have brought to market their unique DNA testing kit and have been on TV ever since, including an agency switch a year ago. With a cost-per-website visit figure of £4.53 over the last 12 months, they achieve the best results out of all the advertisers covered in this edition.
Could their results have been any better? Possibly. With 53% of airtime being deployed in peak time, there was a definite shying away from daytime broadcasting, the oft-utilised hunting ground for response and customer acquisition.
The ad itself gets straight to the point and leaves the viewer in no doubt how crucial a person’s DNA can be in their general health and wellbeing, delivered visually and via a calming voiceover. Their URL appears numerous times throughout the 30” spot – the only spot length they now use – but does not remain constantly. All in all, until we get to the barrage delivery of small-print delivery by the voiceover (different to the calming person from the rest of the ad) it is a very bright, engaging and happy advert that clearly outlines the health benefits of the product.